Videos on Family Law Topics

Interstate Jurisdiction

“One of the things that is really misunderstood by a lot of people, even lawyers, is the jurisdictional requirements that govern Arizona divorce cases.”


“It’s usually a very efficient way to resolve disputes.”

The Seven Deadly Sins in Divorce

“People that rush into a divorce too quickly are making a big mistake.”

Relocation With Children

“A lot of time people want to move with their children to a different state … very difficult to do in Arizona.”


“Marriage is on the decline in this country.  We’re seeing more and more people who are having children out of wedlock.”

Parenting Coordinators

“A parenting coordinator is a neutral third party, usually a lawyer or a psychologist, that is sort of on standby in a case to help parents when they run into disputes over their children.”

Premarital Agreements in Arizona

“It’s important, I think, when you’ve accumulated some assets and are going into a second marriage that you get a prenuptial agreement to protect yourself.”

Keeping Legal Fees Down

“Whenever a client comes in we talk about how to keep the fees down.”

Debt Allocation and Creditors Rights

“Most people that begin a divorce case have debts; debts that need to be allocated to one spouse or the other in the final decree.”

Child Support

“In any family law case that involves children, whether it’s a paternity case or a divorce case with children, child support is one of the most important issues in that case.”